Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

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How can I place an order on the Pine Labs Swag Store?

To place an order, simply browse our collection and click on the desired item. Choose your preferred size, color (if applicable), and quantity, and then click "Add to Cart." Once you have finished selecting items, proceed to the checkout page, where you can review your order details and make payment.

What payment methods are accepted on the Pine Labs Swag Store?

We accept various payment methods, including major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), debit cards, and digital wallets. You can select your preferred payment option during the checkout process.

How long does it take to process and ship my order?

We strive to process and ship orders as quickly as possible. Once your order is successfully placed, it typically takes 5-7 business days for processing. Shipping times vary depending on your location and the shipping method selected during checkout. You will receive a confirmation email with tracking information once your order has been shipped.

Can I track the status of my order?

Yes, you can track the status of your order. After your order has been shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the progress of your package on the respective courier's website.

What is your return and exchange policy?

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase however unless there is a defect in the item, there is no return policy.

Are there any size charts available for apparel items?

Yes, size charts are available for most apparel items on the product page. We recommend referring to these charts to ensure you select the correct size before placing your order. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee order cancellations or modifications once an order has been placed. However, please contact our customer support team immediately, and we will do our best to accommodate your request if your order has not yet been processed.

Do you offer international shipping?

No as of now

How can I contact customer support for further assistance?

If you have any questions, concerns, or need further assistance, our dedicated customer support team is here to help. You can reach us via email at

Can I order company-branded merchandise in bulk for events or promotions?

Yes, we offer options for ordering company-branded merchandise in bulk for employee or customer events. Please reach out to our bulk order team at